#!/usr/bin/perl use LAM::LAM qw(displayPage displaySource viewFormData); use CGI qw(:all escape unescape); use strict; # Force me to use strict variable syntax. use warnings; # Enable all warnings. LAM::displaySource( # Display source, rlog, etc. if requested. "https://github.com/LAMurakami/no-ssl/blob/master/html/Public/Scripts/Escape.cgi-pl"); if (param('Submit')) { my $submitRequest = param('Submit'); if ($submitRequest eq 'Show Escape') {showEscape()} elsif ($submitRequest eq 'Show UnEscape') {showUnEscape()} elsif ($submitRequest eq 'View Form Data') {LAM::viewFormData()} } else { # Display the Show Escape Form by default. my $formData = start_form(). 'Text String:'. br(). "\n". textarea(-name=>'Text String', -rows=>10, -cols=>80, -wrap=>'soft', -value=>"{select|describe|show} {argument(s)}"). "\n". br(). 'Plus sign:'. "\n". radio_group({-name=>'Plus sign', -values=>['Regular','Special'],-default=>'Regular'}). "\n". div({-align=>'center'}, submit(-name=>'Submit',-value=>'Show Escape'), "\n", submit(-name=>'Submit',-value=>'Show UnEscape'), "\n", reset(), submit(-name=>'Submit',-value=>'View Form Data'), br(), "\n"); LAM::displayPage('-c', center('Show Escape.'), $formData)} # ..:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....| sub showEscape { my $bodyText = ''; my $tempEscaped = ''; my $textString = param('Text String') || ''; my $textStringEscaped = escape($textString); # use CGI::escape() if (param('Plus sign')) {my $plusSign = param('Plus sign'); if ($plusSign eq 'Special') {$textStringEscaped =~ s/%20/+/g}} if (length($textStringEscaped) > 72) { # prevent a really wide page $tempEscaped = "
    my $tempString = $textStringEscaped;
    my $length = length($tempString); my $offset = 0;
    while ($offset < $length) {
        $tempEscaped .= substr($tempString, $offset, 72). " :\n";
        $offset = $offset + 72
    } $tempEscaped .= "\n
\n" } else {$tempEscaped = $textStringEscaped} my $textStringUnEscaped = unescape($textStringEscaped); $bodyText .= "\nText String:\n". p(). "\n$textString\n". p(). "\n". "\nEscaped Text String:\n". p(). b("\n$tempEscaped\n"). p(). "\n". "\nUnEscaped Text String:\n". p(). "\n$textStringUnEscaped\n". p(). "\n"; if ($textString ne $textStringUnEscaped) {LAM::displayPage('-e', '-c', 'The value has changed.', h2("\nThe values\n") . $bodyText)} # Darn! These should match! else {LAM::displayPage('-c', center('Show Escape.'), h2("\nThe specified Text String with special characters escaped.\n"). $bodyText,)}} # ..:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....| sub showUnEscape { my $bodyText = ''; my $textStringUnEscaped = ''; my $textString = param('Text String') || ''; $textStringUnEscaped = unescape($textString); # use CGI::unescape() my $textStringEscaped = escape($textStringUnEscaped); if (param('Plus sign')) {my $plusSign = param('Plus sign'); if ($plusSign eq 'Special') {$textStringEscaped =~ s/%20/+/g}} $bodyText .= "\nText String:\n". p(). "\n$textString\n". p(). "\n". "\nUnEscaped Text String:\n". p(). "\n$textStringUnEscaped\n". p(). "\n". "\nEscaped Text String:\n". p(). b("\n$textStringEscaped\n"). p(). "\n"; if ($textString ne $textStringEscaped) {LAM::displayPage('-e', '-c', 'The value has changed.', h2("\nThe values\n") . $bodyText)} # Darn! These should match! else {LAM::displayPage('-c', center('Show UnEscape.'), h2("\nThe specified Text String with special characters UnEscaped.\n"). $bodyText,)}} # ..:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|....:....|